Therapeutic Expertise

What We Do

WCG has experience working on many different therapeutic categories and types of educational vehicles. These are in the fields of:

  • Cardiology
  • Dermatology
  • Infectious Disease
  • Endocrinology / Metabolic
  • Nephrology
  • Neurology
  • Oncology
  • Psychiatry
  • Urology

We can provide a broad range of services to our medical communications partners:

  • Manuscripts
    Review* and original articles, CME*, posters*, journal supplements*, and medical newsletters*
  • Slide kits
    Slide presentations used in dinner meetings*, speaker trainings*, live symposia, advisory board meetings, or even on-line; presentation file may include speaker notes
  • Case Studies*
    Assist in diagnosis and management of patients through experience via actual case studies.
  • Needs Assessment
    In support of the unrestricted educational grant application for CME programs
  • Project Management*
    Assist in the day-to-day implementation of projects
  • Meeting Summaries
    For advisory board meetings*, CME symposia, and association meetings
  • Scripts
    For webcast* and scientific visualization / MOA video
  • Scientific Communication Plan
    For publication planning and scientific platform development, including meetings* and journals* information research
  • Field Force / Medical Representative Communication
    For reprint highlights
  • Miscellaneous Projects
    Include literature searches*, annotations*, hospital discharge kits*, medical jeopardy Q&A*, and meeting objectives development* and summaries*

* Projects already executed by WCG.

Hong Kong
Tel. +852 9580 7631

United States
Tel. +1 (917) 512-1299

Tel. +632 577-2653